This week members and friends of the United Church of Colchester will, like so many other congregations around the world, try to be true to our faith and our traditions while heeding warnings to "stay home & stay safe." It will be in many ways a jarring, uncomfortable experience.
But, as Rev. Allison Lanza, the Associate Pastor at Ridglea Christian Church (Fort Worth, Texas) reminds us:

“The very first Easter was not in a crowded worship space with singing and praising. On the very first Easter, the disciples were locked in their house. . . Alone in their homes, they dared to believe that hope was possible, that the long night was over and morning had broken.”
So, as we wait for the long night to be over and for morning to break into out isolated and frustrated lives, we will find ways to worship, to find communion, to be hopeful!
Psalm 100:5
For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.