April 22, 2024
As we begin the third week of our 21 days of prayer, we are cognizant of new life springing up around us as Spring overtakes the remnants of Winter. Green replacing brown. Sprouts appearing from roots dormant over the Winter.
Some of this rebirth happens without our intervention. In other cases, much like our Garden Of Eatin', it requires the aid of a gardener. And we need to remind ourselves that we too are sometimes like that garden - stuck in a "winter," awaiting the gardener's touch to bring us back to life. If you have ever found yourself in such a "winter," you will appreciate today's inspiration.
Day 15 – April 22 Â
Contributed by Rev. David O'Brien
Be The Gardener Of My Soul
by Richard Foster
Spirit of the Living God,
be the Gardener of my soul.
For so long I have been waiting,
silent and still -
Experiencing a winter of the soul.
But now, in the strong
Name of Jesus Christ,
I dare to ask:
Clear away the dead growth of the past,
Break up the hard clods
of custom and routine
Stir in the rich compost
of vision and challenge
Bury deep in my soul
the implanted Word,
Cultivate and water
and tend my heart
Until new life buds
and opens and flowers.
Looking Ahead
Lord You are our Lamp and Shield
Your way is perfect,
and Your word is true;
You are our Light and Refuge.
Some of our prayers on the National Day of Prayer will focus on Education
Our Teacher, the Way, and the Truth,
we, Your disciples and students.
As You have taught us to pray,
we lift up Your Word,
lighting up Education in our prayers.
Proverbs 2: 1-6
My son, if you accept my words
and store up my commands within you,
turning your ear to wisdom
and applying your heart to understanding
and if you call out for insight
and cry aloud for understanding
and if you look for it as for silver
and search for it as for hidden treasure,
then you will understand the fear of the Lord
and find the knowledge of God.
For the Lord gives wisdom
and from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.
May God continue to bless our prayer journey together.
Board of Deacons
United Church of Colchester